Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bad Universe Review, Part 2

Okya, the "Holy Haleakala" bit gets annoying after the 38th time, but otherwise it was a heckuva fun first episode. While I did know that we have the potential of being slammed into by a global killing chunk of space debris at any second with literally no warning, I did not know that people have been playing with ideas on how to avoid said disaster.

Ironically, it seems as though we have a relatively decent chance of technologically averting armageddon from a collision with a comet, while a much smaller meteor collision is more or less game over. It was a tad bit depressing to see that we really have no reasonable hope of surviving or fending off such a scenario with modern technology. 

Can we get a few overgrown kids with deep understanding of chemistry, physics and explodey things to start coming up with bombs that could essentially obliterate the moon? It sounds like that's pretty much our only hope here. 

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