Tuesday, July 13, 2010

SKLOG is now at Blogger

I've been neglectful. As I sat at work watching my Facebook friends enjoy themselves at TAM8, I sat back and pouted about my inability to join in the fun and debate. Then I remembered that I have my very own personal way of spouting my opinion via the web. It's this blog thingy.

Skeptics in the Pub is a website that I created for many reasons, but SKLOG is my outlet for venting and/or initiating conversation. They were all created on iWeb, which is basically "Web Design for Dummies." The only problem with iWeb is that it's pretty cumbersome to make changes to a website and/or blog. This has kept me from regularly posting. NO MORE!

Since I can write to blogger from pretty much anywhere I want, here I go. This takes things and makes them so much easier, I no longer have an excuse. Stay tuned!


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