Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ned Lamont Sucks (and so do lots of other political assholes)

There was a point in my life when politics fascinated me. I read books, listened to talk radio, watched debates, and tried to ferret out the good from the bad. As the fall elections near, I realize there's not a whole lot of good to ferret out.

One example from CT:

Ned Lamont (AKA The Human Tucks Pad) has launched an ad against his Democratic rival for the party nomination for Governor. As primaries are this week, each of the candidates is blasting their opponent for whatever they can make up that sounds really bad. In the case of Ned Lamont, he decided to essentially call Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy a criminal. Proof? None. He just laid out a series of allegations which raise ethical questions. Believe it or not, the 30 second ad wasn't quite enough to go into the necessary detail, so we're left with the impression that Mayor Malloy has been taking kickbacks, etc. An investigation was done and no wrongdoing was found. In fact, the investigation turned up nothing but proof that everything was above board. Is Mayor Malloy a criminal? I have no clue. I only know that Ned Lamont's ad is the latest in a string of excruciatingly condescending, arrogant crap designed to fool us into thinking he's the only good guy left. Here's a thought Ned. Before you level allegations, offer up proof. If you have it, make it available to prosecutors who would actually follow CT law and go after the criminal in question. If you don't have it, quit trying to pull a 3 Card Monte on the very people you want to lead.

Oh, and here's the kicker: Ned Lamont ran an ad deploring exactly this kind of BS just a few years ago when he tried to oust Joe Lieberman as CT Senator. Check it out:

Lamont Ad

Politics is the worst form of woo woo, and we skeptics need to stay honest when assessing candidates. In my experience, 98% of political ads are horribly misleading. Whether a candidate supports positions we like or not, let's hold their feet to the fire and require honesty and integrity. We have a lot of candidates for biggest political asshole out here in our lovely state. I decided to pick on Ned because he is a unique type of shit head, but he's by no means alone in the category. I think this time I may just go vote for whoever seems to actually be the most honest in their dealings with the voters. It's possibly the only way to really change the system. Anyone with me? Anyone?

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