Monday, August 30, 2010

Holy Haleakala Batman!

Watched the first half of the inaugural episode of Phil Plait's Bad Universe last night. I had previously described it to a friend as "Geek Porn." Given that I only made it halfway through, I supposed the prediction was uncanny.

Sorry. Couldn't resist the cringe joke there. I'll be watching the 2nd half tonight. If it's as good as the first half was, I have a new addition to my top 5 favorites. If you didn't see it, set your DVR to record next week! It's fun, educational, and I think Phil knows of what he speaks. Having not gone through an Astronomy course in college, I'm going to just go with the idea that Phil knows more than I do and I can let him do my astronomical thinking for me while I watch him blow stuff up on by big screen TV.

Oh, by the way. I fell asleep early last night from a long day (not boredom). Just in case anyone was wondering why I didn't stay up through the whole show. I may be a science geek, but I do have limits.

What's your favorite geek show?


  1. Does Penn & Teller Bullsh@t count as a geek show? If so, that's my fave. Close second would be Mythbusters. So, if for any reason P&TBS cannot fulfill it duties as geek porn, Mythbusters will get the crown.

  2. I'd have to say yes. It's Geek with an Edge. Mythbusters and Bad Universe are sort of on par with one another, but I'm leaning toward BU at this point. Still, Bullshit's an awesome show.
