Vince McMahon Jr. (Son of Vince Sr.): Incredibly wealthy show promoter that took over his father's business of providing fictional entertainment to unknowing masses, who largely believed it was real.
Richard Roberts (Son of Oral): Ditto
VM: People mostly caught on to the ruse and the continued claim of legitimacy became embarrassing and unsustainable.
RR: Some people caught onto the ruse. Continued claims of legitimacy were critical, even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary.
VM: Legal authorities started clamping down on loopholes claimed by the company. Steroid abuse allegations are investigated. WWE institutes strict testing procedures when they begin to face legal responsibility.
RR: Legal authorities ignore the frauds and refuse to clamp down on the "ministry" due to fear of voter reprisal and first amendment protections. The ministry continues to rake in tax free dollars, largely based on unsubstantiated miracle healing claims.
VM: WWE now acknowledges the scripted nature of the business. Fans continue to pay for the entertainment.
RR: The ministry continues to claim that miracle healings are real. Fans continue to pay for.... what exactly?
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