Sunday, July 18, 2010

Arguing with Creationists

For anyone who has never engaged in this sport I highly recommend it, but only for the mental workout and exercise in self restraint that you must endure. You are not going to change the mind of a creationist overnight. Perhaps you'll plant a tiny bug in his/her ear (figuratively speaking). Perhaps you'll simply chuckle at the responses you receive. My personal favorites are along the lines of "All science has conclusively proven that The Bible is 100% accurate, yet you atheists refuse to accept God so you make up this evolution garbage as a way to avoid accountability."

I really don't have any solid advice for you if you decide to engage in a debate with a creationist, but I'll share my own humble view. Put the onus on them. Every time they make a broadly sweeping comment, ask them to back it up with science. When they claim that it's a matter of faith, force them to admit that they have no physical proof (which they shouldn't have a problem doing). Since there are a myriad of scientific proofs for evolution, pick about 3 or 4 and lay them out in exceptional detail and ask the person to explain it away. My experience is that they will undoubtedly make up an explanation on the spot. Call them out on it and ask how they could argue when they don't know the specifics of that case study. If they say "I don't have a good answer as I don't know the specifics," give credit where it's due. That's a fair comeback and it shows a hint of rationality. Then direct them toward the resources and issue a friendly challenge to examine the studies.

When someone is arguing from passion and not facts, they will often make factual claims with no actual truth to them. If you call them out on each and every one of those, they will have no choice but to recognize what they are doing. It's a small step, but it's a step in the right direction. Don't point out the error in their arguments. Let them figure it out on their own.

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